Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Scotland -

 the crazy thing about being at home is that i don’t appreciate it unless i have been away. The uk has its days and it has its special  spots. like everywhere in the world it has its good and bad points, for some reason most people avoid talking about the good and focus on the bad. its unfortunate that the beauty of britain is not appreciated as much as it should be.

 I was home for a week. the sun was shining, i surfed every day at a very special spot on the tip of south west cornwall, its quite and beautiful. the waves where small but fun.
it was cool to catch up with all my friends and family back in St.Ives. my mum made special healthy dinners for me every night, like she always does, 1 thing that i take for granted if i stay home for to long. it was a special week for me.
its been 3 months since entering a contest, i felt a little bit unprepared before the start of the 6* wqs event in Scotland. and probably should of been trying to focus a bit more while i had a free week at home, but i was to busy enjoying myself,  caching up with friends + moving back to our summer house in the garden. 
i went in to my first heat with the right mind set and attitude and gave it my all, with 1 minute to go i needed a 5.0 ride, i took of on a nice wave and carved the face of the wave as hard as i could twice, i new the only chance to get the score i needed was to hit the end section with all i had and land it. the only problem was that the water sucked out and left me facing with landing on pure rock. I had no choice, i went for it, i wasn’t going to get knocked out with out a fight. i  hit the section with all my might and landed on the rocks, snapping my board in 2. i was gutted, the score came through short of what i needed a 4.6, if i landed the last turn i would of had the score i needed. least i gave it my all, and sometimes thats all you can do. i learnt allot from that heat and moved on with a positive attitude. scotland is pure and refreshing to say the least, i enjoyed the rest of the week, exploring the cold, empty coastline, hunting for waves in the many cracks and coves in the cliff edge. 

- Our Search sum up edit wins - London Surf Film festival -

Thanks to the talented Mr Luke Pilbeam The Our Search sum up edit has gone and won the London surf film festival for the best short of 2014...